Day 43 of 49: Celebrating Synchronicities

Loren Mielke
4 min readFeb 26, 2018

Surrendering to Life’s unfolding…


It felt strange to think of this as the last Monday of this 7-week commitment. Every day of this final week will be its own farewell.

When I arrived to fetch my boys this morning for their morning school ride, I glanced at my mobile phone for the time, and it was 07.07.

Ahhh, I could feel the Universe’s warm and gentle embrace.

Crowdfunding idea.

In between today’s work responsibilities and other things that needed to get done, I did allocate time to putting together the appeal for assistance to get going with Marie Forleo’s B-School program.

I was most certainly influenced by the Tony Gaskin’s quote I posted yesterday,

‘Trust the process. Your time is coming. Just do the work and the results will handle themselves.’

In compiling my communication, which I have since posted on Facebook, and uploaded to be sent out via email too, I found myself completely surrendering to the process, with a sense of peace that whatever is meant to be, whatever is for my highest good, will flow.

This may mean that I get a flood of responses that enable me to enrol in B-School this year, or it may mean the exact opposite too.

And I would be ok either way.

What a small world.

My personal network of friends and family are aware I’m looking for work, be it freelancing or joining a team, where there is an alignment of beliefs, and where I can add value and serve the mission of business for good.

A cousin gave me a head’s up about a marketing and communications position available at a company whose founder’s heart beats to the same values drum as mine.

As I was prepping my introductory email to him, I noticed as I started typing in his email address, it was self-populating.

Hmmm — I wondered when and in what context I’d communicated with him previously.

I did a Gmail search and discovered that this February, seven* years ago (*you got that right…SEVEN, ‘7’) I sent his company an email admiring the creativity of their website. My comment to the general email address had been escalated and I received a direct response of appreciation from the owner, the man I was about to email again now.

Stay present to the Journey.

I have always loved the movies Bruce Mighty and Evan Almighty for the messages of seeing G-d in the world, in the moments of our days, in our interactions and in the people around us.

Today I needed to pop into one of the Telkom stores to address a DATA challenge. Their electronic payment system was down, so I needed to head to one of the ATM’s to draw cash to pay them.

When I arrived at the ATM there was someone ahead of me. A lady came to join the queue. I smiled at her and asked her how her day had been.

In our brief encounter, she shared words that were a welcome reminder. She said, ‘Everyday when I wake up, I say, ‘Please guide me’ and then I step into my day, and somehow through the humps and bumps and curveballs, things seem to all work out. I find that I manage to get through my day ok.’

I’d actually come to the Telkom store the previous day, but got the times wrong and they were already closed. Then today I returned, and had the pay point been working, or had I not been willing to engage a stranger in a queue at the ATM, I would most likely not have had this gem of an interaction.

I was grateful for this reminder and experience of showing up to the moments and surrendering control of the details.

Thank you, Day 43!



Loren Mielke

Passionate about living consciously, connecting and contributing meaningfully