Loren Mielke
Dec 2, 2023

May we pay more attention to our next bite.....

Pinterest image https://pin.it/5bbh9nf

Precious Soul
May we pay more attention to our next meal, our next bite..... our next snack!
May we savour the colours, the textures, the scents and aromas.
May we practice being present to appreciate and honour the gift of it all.... the access to food, the ability to see, smell, taste, hear and feel the full experience.... to feed ourselves and then the incredible blessing and gift of a digestive system that can assimilate the goodness and take care of the waste without any conscious effort of our own!

So may it be 🙏 Timeless love 🪷

Pinterest image https://pin.it/5bbh9nf

437. Musings on scarcity's invitation to appreciation.

The Alive Loren Podcast: Celebrating juicy soulful whole living 😉
Sharing stories, aliveness, reminders, blessings and inspirations. (on Spotify: 'Alive Loren Podcast')

Loren Mielke

Passionate about living consciously, connecting and contributing meaningfully