May you courageously be present to the sensations alive in you.

Loren Mielke
2 min readFeb 24, 2022

A blessing, a wish, from my heart to yours.

Image found on Pinterest.

When I was a kid I was petrified of snakes.

How about you?

I couldn’t even look at a picture of one. I recall how intensely the fear manifested in my body!

What struck me about this picture is the joy and delight on this little one’s face, completely at ease while gently holding this snake while it’s exploring. There’s not a hint of fear or terror. And so today’s blessing was inspired…..

Precious heart,

When you sense the presence of fear or terror, when you feel your body constricting and your breathing becoming shallow,
May you remember to breathe, long and slow,
To relax, one breath at a time.
May you courageously be present to the sensations alive in you,

And where your tension and shallow breathing may be like an abrupt ‘you’re not welcome here, keep out!’
May your long slow inhales be like a generous welcoming host, creating a safe sacred space for these rather intense feelings to be experienced, and relaxed into…
May you hold space for the gifts they wish to bestow.

And may you be open to increasing your capacity of what you define as beautiful and delightful.
May you open to the beauty and delight in having a heart with the ability to experience the extremes, from grief to elation, from fury to ecstasy.
May you welcome these extremes in a warm loving generous embrace.

So may it be⁠
So much love always.⁠
(check out The Alive Loren Podcast for an audio version)⁠

Blessing backstory:⁠
A while ago I decided to find uplifting images, ones that made me smile and lifted my spirit. And to send them together with a blessing, a personal wish, to my immediate family. Over time it’s become a ‘daily-ish’ morning practice via WhatsApp to a slowly growing recipient list. Recently I’ve started to share these blessings and images on social media too, with a prayer that they brighten the world of those who receive them.

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Loren Mielke

Passionate about living consciously, connecting and contributing meaningfully