May you do the small seemingly random things that bring you joy, for no apparent reason!

Loren Mielke
2 min readFeb 22, 2022


A blessing, a wish, from my heart to yours.

Image found on Pinterest.


To be walking along wooden sidewalk railings towards the beach…hmmmm…..! Got me imagining and smiling. As a kid, I loved walking along railings. And still do! It’s one of those random things, that brings me joy, ‘just because’!

What did you love to do as a kid? What random thing brought you joy, just because’?

Precious Soul,

When the opportunities present to do the small seemingly random things that bring you joy, for no apparent reason, may you do them!
It’s all too easy for these moments to slip by, to shrug, to not bother…..

Especially when they have a childish element to them!
Especially when you catch yourself thinking, ‘Oh but I’d look silly, what would other people think?’
Like walking along the wooden sidewalk railings on route to the beach.

And may you find ways to bring a child-like wonder,
a flavour of fun, curiosity and quirkiness,
to your daily activities, so they may feel more like delicious adventures.

May you take yourself and life less seriously.

May you soak in ALL the sights, ALL the sounds, the crashing of the waves, a noisy boisterous group on the beach, the spray of the sea, the glorious expanse of the sky with its hypnotic ever in motion cloud dancers, the caress of the wind as well as the intensity of a strong gale.

So may it be.
So much love always.
❤️😘🎁 (Check out the Alive Loren Podcast for an audio version).

Blessing backstory:⁠
A while ago I decided to find uplifting images, ones that made me smile and lifted my spirit. And to send them together with a blessing, a personal wish, to my immediate family. Over time it’s become a ‘daily-ish’ morning practice via WhatsApp to a slowly growing recipient list. Recently I’ve started to share these blessings and images on social media too, with a prayer that they brighten the world of those who receive them.

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Loren Mielke

Passionate about living consciously, connecting and contributing meaningfully