May you give a ‘two thumbs up’ to Life!

Loren Mielke
2 min readNov 30, 2022


A blessing, a wish, from my heart to yours.

Image found on Pinterest.

Precious Heart,

May you give a two thumbs up to Life!

May you give a two thumbs up to the smell of freshly roasting coffee, frangipanis in bloom as well as a big ol’ pile of horse manure…

May you give a two thumbs up to the best thing you’ve ever tasted, that had you moaning with pleasure as well as the worst thing you’ve ever tasted, so gross that the mere memory of it makes you feel nauseous!

May you give a two thumbs up to the full spectrum of emotions, to ecstasy and agony, to pleasure and pain, to passion and apathy, to calm and chaos, to elation and devastation…

May you give an uncensored two thumbs up to playing with letting go of preference and cracking wide open to bravely, vulnerably, courageously letting in all of Life!

So may it be 🙏
Much love always 💙

Check out The Alive Loren Podcast for short 5–10 minute bursts celebrating juicy soulful living, sharing stories, inspirations and musings.
(Also available on Spotify I Apple I Google podcasts)⁠⁠
New episode: 314. A big two thumbs up to our connectedness!

Blessing backstory:⁠
A while ago I decided to find uplifting images, ones that made me smile and lifted my spirit. And to send them together with a blessing, a personal wish, to my immediate family. Over time it’s become a ‘daily-ish’ morning practice via WhatsApp to a slowly growing recipient list. Recently I’ve started to share these blessings and images on social media too, with a prayer that they brighten the world of those who receive them.

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(Image found



Loren Mielke

Passionate about living consciously, connecting and contributing meaningfully