May you notice the conclusions you are jumping to.

Loren Mielke
2 min readApr 15, 2022


A prayer, a blessing, from my heart to yours.

Image found on Pinterest.

What do you see?

Or perhaps you’ve come across this before? It’s not actually a gorgeous vivid parrot — it just happens to LOOK LIKE one😉

Ok, ok! I know I’ve been going on the last few days about being open to new perspectives and becoming aware of ‘labelling’ things as good or bad….

This message has been coming through thick and fast!

A friend just finished a fictional book she thoroughly enjoyed with many layers and multiple events not appearing as they seem…

The book tells the story of two men and how their lives intertwine through the years. In one thread she shared…..the one main character (let’s call him Sam) spends years of his life, decades in fact, obsessed with ruining the career of the other main character (let’s call him Dean).


Because Sam’s best friend was denied a bank loan from the bank where Dean was a senior executive. It was at a critical time for the business, Sam’s friend committed suicide and Sam blamed Dean.

Sam eventually succeeded in his mission of project ‘Destroy Dean’s Career’ by getting Dean kicked off the Board of Directors.

Truth be told, when the bank declined the loan, Dean, in his personal capacity, had invested substantially, privately, as an anonymous donor in Sam’s friend’s business. Something that Sam never discovered, and a truth that was only revealed in the story after the deaths of both Dean and Sam.


Precious heart,

May you become aware of the conclusions you may be jumping to,
May you remain open to the possibility of points of view you may have never ever considered,
May you nurture your capacity to give the benefit of the doubt.

May you use your creative abilities to consciously craft the storylines that paint the picture of ‘best case scenarios’.
May you find empowering meaning.

So may it be. 🙏
Much love always.💚

Check out The Alive Loren Podcast for an audio version.
(Also available on Spotify I Apple I Google podcasts)⁠⁠

Blessing backstory:⁠
A while ago I decided to find uplifting images, ones that made me smile and lifted my spirit. And to send them together with a blessing, a personal wish, to my immediate family. Over time it’s become a ‘daily-ish’ morning practice via WhatsApp to a slowly growing recipient list. Recently I’ve started to share these blessings and images on social media too, with a prayer that they brighten the world of those who receive them.

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Instagram: aliveloren
(Image found on Pinterest.)




Loren Mielke

Passionate about living consciously, connecting and contributing meaningfully