May your sensitivity to the mystery and unfathomable majesty of Life expand.

Loren Mielke
2 min readDec 7, 2022


A blessing, a wish, from my heart to yours.

Image found on Pinterest.

There is something about seeing a balcony like this, so very abundant and vibrant, that saturates my being in the most magical way possible… and that reminds me of the quote, ‘Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away’. (Not clear on who to credit, seems unresolved.)

Precious Soul

May you cultivate a way of living where your sensitivity to the mystery and unfathomable majesty of Life grows and expands so that the times between the moments that take your breath away become smaller and smaller until you find yourself living from an eternal state of awe, fascination and gratitude for ALL of Life…

So may it be 🙏
Timeless love 💚

Check out The Alive Loren Podcast for short 5–10 minute bursts celebrating juicy soulful living, sharing stories, inspirations and musings.
(Also available on Spotify I Apple I Google podcasts)⁠⁠
New episode: 320. Renting jeans and playing host to those crazy intense emotions!

Blessing backstory:⁠
A while ago I decided to find uplifting images, ones that made me smile and lifted my spirit. And to send them together with a blessing, a personal wish, to my immediate family. Over time it’s become a ‘daily-ish’ morning practice via WhatsApp to a slowly growing recipient list. Recently I’ve started to share these blessings and images on social media too, with a prayer that they brighten the world of those who receive them.

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(Image found here.)



Loren Mielke

Passionate about living consciously, connecting and contributing meaningfully