Loren Mielke
Nov 27, 2023

Trust as a foundation to surrender…

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Precious Soul
May we play with the challenge of Life being less about trying to make it the way we want, and more about accepting it the way it is...
May we awaken to the truth of life not being when this or when that... not when we find the perfect job, find a 'soulmate', have a child, generate a specific amount per month, or retire... Life is every single minute, life is now, in this moment!

So may it be 🙏 Timeless love 🪷

(Today's blessing inspired by Mickey Singer's talk 'Choose Peace' uploaded to tour.org)

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436. Trust as a foundation to surrender and going inwards for peace and contentment...

The Alive Loren Podcast: Celebrating juicy soulful whole living 😉
Sharing stories, aliveness, reminders, blessings and inspirations. (on Spotify: 'Alive Loren Podcast')

Loren Mielke
Loren Mielke

Written by Loren Mielke

Passionate about living consciously, connecting and contributing meaningfully

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